Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Nothing Really.

I'm just killing time for now. Here's what I've done the last couple of days (exciting, really). Hehe.

Well, let's see. Monday, I worked from 9am-1:30pm. We had 39 kids between four of us!! That's a lot! All ranging from about 0-8. It took some work. Then I went home and watched Cheaper by the Dozen with Nate. It makes handling 12 kids look difficult. (it really isn't, I must say) A cute, but unworthy movie. Then I went to work AGAIN from 5-8pm. Yeah, that was my exciting day.

Tuesday. Hmmm. I woke up really late. Like 11am or something like that. That's pretty late when I only went to bed at approximately midnight. I went shopping and spent lots of money even though I don't have lots of money to spend. That's always exciting! Then I went to work again from 5-8pm. This time, I only had 3 kids the whole night! I was working by myself because the guy I work with was doing his O.P.P. thing and my volunteer is in Nova Scotia. But anyways, it was actually a really enjoyable work night. I didn't have any kids for the first hour, which enabled me to do some cleaning, since no one ELSE seems to do it! Then I got a 16 month, a 1 1/2 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. It was quite fun, actually. Nikolas, the 1 1/2 year old, is the cutest little thing ever! He LOVES baseball and I was holding him near the window so he could see the TV's playing in the club, and there was baseball on, and he yells throughout the whole club: BASEBALL!!! It was so funny, 'cause everyone kinda looked at us really weird. Haha. Oh, how humble you must be around children. So yeah, that was my exciting night.

Then today, I have been doing cleaning. My room was a MESS! It took me, ummm, 2 hours to clean it! Ugh. I'm terrible. That's including vacuuming, mind you. So yes, I have a had an exciting passed 2 days (that was sarcasm by the way). Anyways, I just thought, if I was bored, I would make YOU bored by reading about MY boredom. Catch that? Good.

Monday, June 28, 2004

The Last of the Lasts


Yesterday was the last Sunday of a few of the last things we had to do. Thursday, we had the last worship practice that seemed to go quickly, yet was about an hour longer than normal. We ended up doing some twenty songs, which was funny. Friday, was the last youth group, a great night I must say. Eating dinner and dressing up (except me of course :P), playing random games and such, playing euchre for the first time and winning (yea us!), and just hanging around like normal. It was a fun night and a later night as well (1:30am for me).

Saturday was the baby shower, not really a last, more of a first because I've never been to a baby shower where guys were present, and I congratulate the FEW of you guys who stayed, for part of it at least. Hehe. Aww Mr. Terry falling asleep with the baby was cute too! And Mel got a picture of it! So yeah, a fun night.

Then comes Sunday.

This was the hard one. I couldn't sleep very well on Saturday night and then I woke up at 5 something in the morning and remembered that it was the last Sunday and started crying. But, like a baby, I must of cried myself to sleep because I woke up again to the sound of my mom saying my name. I was fine all morning. I didn't cry at church until after the first worship was done and we were saying our blessings for the Terrys. It was a sad day. But then again, it was also fun. We sang a million songs, had a long service, a presentation by the kids (which was good by the way), a dedication for Ruthy, some blessings, lunch and some more songs! So, church ended at about 3pm....haha! Then we all went to Abe and Melissa'd and hung around, eating pizza, palying video games and stuff. Then some went to the drive-in to see Dodgeball (stupid movie if you ask me. Not worth the money to go see it).

It was hard to say good-bye to the church though. yes, it's just a building, but it's a building where we created so many memories and close friendships. I mean, there's a lot of sentiment involved there. We practically built the place ourselves, because so many walls were built, decorated, painted and redone to suit our church. We played hockey there, stole mints when no one was looking (anyone remember that?!), played, oh I forget what it's called, but it's where you play hide-and-seek in total darkness, games, events, wedding, funeral, so many things happened there and I'm sad to see we have to leave it behind. Though, it's still not shut right now, because we still have to clear the place out. That will be difficult for some. I'm just going to miss everything.

Although the church is closing, I hope we can all remain friends and hang out like normal. It just means we have to use the phone to see who's house we'll go to, instead of all deciding together. I just don't want everyone to stop hanging out because they go to different churches. In fact, I hope we don't all have to go to different churches. It would be nice if we could start a new one or go to one together, but it'll be difficult for me, because I think I have to follow my parents. But oh well.

Thanks guys for all the memories we've shared. You all have been really good friends to me! I don't think anyone else has cared so much for each other than I've seen at our church. Thanks for the encouragement through things in my life, such as school, worship, etc. You all have been, and will continue to be, great and awesome! I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful summer!

Friday, June 25, 2004

I just went to King's to do my timetable thingy. And oh man, is it BRUTAL!!! I have to go online and fix it or something. But here's the rundown of my schedule (in case anybody cares;)):

Monday: 1-3pm is Social Work lecture
3-4pm is Social Work tutorial
Both is with Prof. Karley

7-10pm is Geography lecture
Prof. Greaves

Tuesday: 12am-1pm is Sociology tutorial
Prof. Hammond
4-5pm is Religious Studies tutorial
doesn't say who teaches it
7-9pm is Religious Studies lecture
again...don't know who teaches it

Wednesday: 3-5pm is Social Justice and Peace Studies lecture
Prof. Mason-Grant (don't know what that's about)
6-7pm is SJP tutorial
Prof. Mason-Grant

Thursday: 12am-2pm is Sociology lecture
Prof. Hammond
7-9pm is Religious Studies lecture
doesn't say who teaches it

Friday: OFF!!! Yeah! That one is good.

So there ya have it. My brutal schedule that must be changed!! I don't want to do classes until 10pm, that just sucks. Plus I need my tutorial for SJP right after the lecture, otherwise I have to wait around an hour or eat or something, I don't know. But all my classes are at King's, which is good, I think...

I had to do all this in groups and stuff, and this one guy who I was talking to, got all upset because the Totalitarianism history course was all booked up and he really wanted it. I felt bad for him, because he looked like he was going to cry or something! Haha. Awww. Anyways, that's all for today....now I have to go to the bank and take out the money I owe for the appointment...oh man. See ya around!

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I hate school, I hate marks and I hate money.

Devil Raccoons!

Last night I was surprised at work by Melissa and Tara! That was exciting. We had a girls night out and got a chance to talk and stuff while all the BOYS were at Abe's cell group! When I got home, I just randomly did chores and such around my room so I didn't disturb the rest of the sleepers in the house. So, around 1am, I believe, I was tired, so I climbed into bed to go to sleep. Not two minutes after, I hear a smashing and clanking of bottles. At first I was wondering what the heck it was. But then I realized it was the devil raccoons that lived around our house trying to pick garbage out of our garbage can. Tired and frustrated, I went to my window and tried to scare them away. That didn't work. So I hit the siding on our house with my hand (it makes a loud noise when you do that) and that didn't work. The raccoons just gave me a look like, "HA! You're up there and can't do anything about it!"

So I thought, "I'll show those little creatures!" I ran downstairs, opened the blinds, then the door and the screen and put the light on so it stayed on (it's motion censored). The stupid little things still weren't scared! Me, being the impatient one, steps outside and proceeds to walk towards them. Well, finally, this scares them away and I had to go and pick up tin cans and glass and garbage and put it all away at one in the morning! My neigbours probably hated me because it was pretty noisy. All the while, Nathan is at his window watching me thinking this is funny! So I go inside and decided to wait 'till they came back. Sure enough, the little beasts appear again and start knocking over the garbage can. Again, I walked up to them and this time, I picked up Nathan's golf club 'cause I didn't want them to attack me or something and they ran away. I went back and stood at the door to see if they would come back. Ten minutes I waited and then decided to go back to my room. I closed the door, locked up and stuff and headed to my room.

Again, two minutes after I got all nice and comfy, the devils returned! This time it was only one. I didn't want to go all the way downstairs again, so I just went to my window and started making noises. The motion censored light kicked in and revealed the biggest, fattest, most freaky looking raccoon I have ever seen!! I swear, this thing had to be the king raccoon or something! It was huge! I looked over the other side of my fence and there was six other raccoons! He must have brought his posse with him or something, it was weird. So I started scratching my nails on the siding of the house (it made a horrendous sound!) and this scared him off. I watched them for a minute and they were all running around to the different backyards climbing on the fences and knocking things over. Needless to say, the didn't come back. So that was my exciting night of chasing away raccoons and amusing my brother!

Monday, June 21, 2004

Jimmy and the White Lie

I've oftened wondered if it's so wrong to tell a little tiny weeny lie. Honestly, I don't know if I know the answer to that. I'm not talking about a lie where your parents ask where you've gone and you say you went to the store when you really went to your friend's house or something like that. I'm talking about a lie that spares the feelings of others. Such as, if someone's in the hospital and they are really sick and you say to them, "Oh, you're looking much better today." When really they look terribly ill. Is that so wrong? I mean, how beneficial would it be if you walked in and said, "My, you look even worse than yesterday. You don't look like you're getting better at all." Now how would that help the situation? So in my case, I think it's better to lie to them instead of hurting their feelings.

There's this story that I use to read as a child and it was one of my favourites. It's called Jimmy and the White Lie by Bartholomew. Part of it goes as follows:

Actually, a quick synopsis is that Jimmy really likes to play baseball. While playing with his friends, he puts the ball threw a neighbour's window. Instead of confessing to the accident, Jimmy runs home to his bedroom and locks himself there for awhile. His mother asked Jimmy if he had been playing baseball because Mr. Crankshaw (broken window neighour) called and said someone broke his window with a baseball. Jimmy lied to his mother and said that he hadn't.

'Then, from the bottom of Jimmy's stomach came a weak little voice. "Let me out!" At first Jimmy pretended he didn't hear it. But the voice got louder until finally it made his ears ring. Then SSWWWOOOOOP! Out of Jimmy's mouth popped a tiny creature.
"Who are you?" Jimmy asked.
"A white lie," it replied. "I'm the lie you told your mother."
"Th-th-the one about the w-w-window?" stammered Jimmy.
"Well, of course!" smirked the lie.'

Further on, Jimmy tries to run from this white lie, but it grows bigger and bigger until it oozes out of all the doors and windows in his house. Finally Jimmy, tired from running and trying to hide this teeny little white lie, confronts his parents and tells them everything.

'"Well," replied his mother, "I guess we all tell lies sometimes, Jimmy. Especially when we're scared. And usually we feel pretty awful afterwards. But there's only one way to get rid of the bad thing we've done, Jimmy. There's only one Person who can help us, and that's God. Only God can forgive us and make us feel better. Why don't you try asking Him?"'

In this story about Jimmy's lie, it tells of how it can grow and get bigger and bigger until you just can't hide it anymore. But is there a difference between Jimmy's lie and a lie that helps someone by sparing their feelings? I don't really know. I mean, at prom, my friend asked me if I liked her dress. I didn't. Did I tell her that? No! Would I ever tell her that? No! The reason is, I wouldn't want her to feel bad that I didn't like her dress. It would do no good if I told her I didn't like it and she had felt all good about it, but because I put it down, she may feel a little selfconscious the rest of the night. It may just be my personality because I really don't like being mean to people, I find it very difficult. For some of you reading this, you're thinking, how can I not be mean! Haha. But honestly, I can't be TRULY mean to someone. The things I say to people are just a joke. So a little note there: if I say something mean to you, I don't actually mean it, it's just a joke. But anyways, I don't know, maybe there's a way around these situations. But what I want to know, is if it is so bad to tell a small lie like the afore mentioned, in order to spare the feelings of others.

On a different note, and a little tip and a lesson I learned today...again: The sun burns! Hahaha! I went on a 2 hour bikeride with my brother and his friend today, and me, being the smart and lazy person I am, only put sunscreen on my arms. Needless to say, my back really hurts! (so don't slap me if you see me!;)) So as Laura said on her blog, wear lots of sunscreen!! Have a wonderful summer guys! (And please attempt to answer my question. I'd really like to know)

Saturday, June 19, 2004



It's Saturday, I have no school work to do, I can do pretty much what I want, and what am I doing? NOTHING!! I hate it when that happens. I went to work...whoohoo...there were like 3 kids and then I had an exciting time doing cardio (that was sarcasm by the way) and now I'm at home doing nothing! It makes me think of what the rest of the summer will be like...

What's with the cold? I can't even go outside for fear of freezing. I'd rather see the sun!! Oh sun, where are you?!

Man, I hate you people with driver's licenses. Yeah that's right! It's not fair. Well it is, because you were smarter to go and get your licenses when you could. I could have had my G2 for over a year now!

Can you tell I have nothing to do? Hahaha! This is so boring. I envy you people who are doing stuff right now! But anyways, have fun!

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Je Suis Finis (is that right?)

Well, I just finished my last exam of high school ever and I'm thoroughly relieved! I can't believe that high school is already over. I'm ready to move on though, I was getting kind of sick of it. A lot of my friends were upset and they said they were crying when they realized it. But I can't even force myself to cry. Is that bad? Maybe it just means I won't miss high school very much. Mind you I will miss some of the people, but then again, some of them I'm going to school with anyways. Except my best friend! That's sad. : (

It feels good though to know that I graduated school AND on the honour roll! I feel smart. Hehe! I'm now done mandatory education, which is nice, but then again, I still have to pay for University. Man I hate money! Everything should be free. No actually, that wouldn't work. ANYWAYS, I don't know what to do with myself right now, because I usually have work to do! Hmmm...I could watch some TV. I haven't done that for awhile. Maybe I need to set some summer goals or something. I'm taking driver's ed July 12,13,15,16 which is nice. Then I can drive!!! I'll drive anyone, anywhere, anytime! Some of you have driven me EVERYWHERE!! And I thank you for it! :) Oh man. I got my hair cut on Wednesday and it's shorter than I wanted it. A good 6 inches GONE! *crying* I'm not sure I like it right now, but you can all judge for yourself. But yes, I think I'm going to go sleep now because I just wrote two exams. History, which was some questions and two essays and english, which was one essay. I wrote nine pages and everyone else said they wrote like four and a half. So we'll see how that goes! I'm sorry this is boring. Have a good afternoon! : )

Monday, June 14, 2004

Welcome to the "Real" World

Reality TV is a huge thing right now. We have all these cool shows that have been categorized as "reality", when in fact, it's just some producers idea of how the "real" world should actually be. The only reason it is called reality TV, is because it's not supposed to be staged, just a bunch of ordinary people competing to win the prize in the end. Well that's really a bunch of crap and we all know it! You have shows like Survivor, where 16 people are stranded on an island competing for goods and immunity and ultimately, $1 million. Yeah that's reality! I get stranded on an island, get provided with a few essentials to start with, gaining more things as the game progresses and possibly be voted off. Since when could stranded people get voted off and sent home or have supplies magically fall from the sky? Tell me where the reality is in that.

Then we have shows like fear factor. A few people have to eat some really gross things, do a few stunts and maybe win some money. The thing that I hate about this show is the clothes the girls where, or don't. I was watching Ryan Seacrest's talk show one day when I was sick and he was talking to Joe Roegen, the host of fear factor and Ryan asks why there are all these scandelously dressed women on the show. Joe answers by saying they do this on purpose. Then he goes on to explain that they pick women that men would want to have sex with (sorry if I offended anyone or something. It happens.). What kind of show is that? Don't get me wrong, I used to love fear factor. Me and my dad would watch it all the time but it got so bad that my dad won't watch it anymore. What does that tell you about reality? I guess it's pretty close because it is what some guys want to watch!

Then we have shows like the bachelor and the bachelorette. Uh huh, 'cause it's reality for a girl to have 20 gorgeous men fawn over her and compete against one another to marry some chick they've known for all of one month or so. She gets to go on multiple dates, be pampered and toy with the hearts of men, all while these men know this is happening and are also living with each other. In reality, that would never happen. Guys may be stupid, but I do give them some credit! ;) (sorry guys, I had to say it)

Another one is the simple life. I love watching that show, but i mean, come on! A couple of heiresses to million-dollar fortunes get dropped into the real world and have to work for money and follow strict guidelines. When does that ever happen? They get to do what they want, toy with a few minds, get a few guys and get fired from their jobs of pumping gas because they made the people pump it themselves since they didn't know how. Oy. This world is crazy and has a distorted view about what reality really is.

On the other hand, one show I really did like, but they took it off the air, was the amazing race. I think it's cool because they get to travel around the world and experience all these different cultures all the while competing for money. No it has nothing to do with reality either, but it was entertaining.

My point here is not that "reality" TV shows are not entertaining to watch, because I do watch a few of them and I quite enjoy them as well. I liked survivor, fear factor, average joe, joe millionaire, american idol, amazing race, the list is endless! I'm just saying that they shouldn't be called reality TV, but more like fantasy TV 'cause that's really what it is. That's my spiel and now you can all go and watch some reality TV show because I'm sure there's one on right now anyways! Peace out.

Saturday, June 12, 2004


Well prom has come and gone so quickly. *sigh* The good thing is that it was a blast! Seeing everyone all dressed up, especially those you would never suspect to be dressed up, made everything worth the while. At first it was kind of boring because we were just sitting there looking at everyone's outfits and then after about half an hour, it was amazing! I've got pictures that I'm bringing to church tomorrow, as I promised Elyse! I'll show whomever wishes to see them.

After prom, we went camping, but we didn't get there until after midnight. It was so dark and no one could see anything. We made friends with the three park ranger guys (lucky for us) who were bored out of their minds since they had to patrol up and down the roads for hours in the middle of the night. Talk about a boring job. You know you have a pointless job when you have time to talk to campers for four hours (literally)!!! The people who were camping from RMC got kicked out of the park because they were drinking and smoking up, which is kind of funny because some of my friends and I were talking to these people one campsite over from the RMC campsite and they were drinking as well (No, I am NOT a drinker, so get that thought out of your head right now!). I guess the park rangers are selective or something. I don't know.

I went to bed at about 4:30am to the sound of birds chriping and the sun rising. Good times. Then I woke up at about 9:30am to the sound, or shall I say painful scream, of a certain someone jumping on me. It was not a good time to jump on me I tell ya! That certain someone never even went to bed, in fact, the certain someone is still awake and has not gone to bed yet. That would be what? 48 hours of being awake? My props to you!

I wish I could have stayed for everything, like the barbecue at Cat's house and staying over another night for camping, but I've got my priorities and I'm sticking to them!

Overall it was fun. Stewy running full speed into the picnic table and the park rangers stopping to ask if she was alright, "S" making the two of us lost and insisting he knew the way (what is it with guys and directions?) when I was the one who knew where we were going, Lizzy taking the car at 6 in the morning thinking it was 10 and freaking out the ranger guys, sitting around the fire for like 6 hours talking about nothing (considering everyone was dead from the night before, it was inevitable), and many more crazy events. Ahh all that is left is the memories. So sad. Anyways, have a good night guys!

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

"'Cause I'm free...."

YEEEAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! I am FINALLY free of those terrible things!! Oh this just made my day. I put up with almost three years of H.E. double hockey sticks and it finally paid off! That's right. Sorry, I had to share my joy and utmost thrill! Some of you understand, others may think I'm crazy, but I don't really care!

On another note, I only have 3 days of school (actual school days that is). I have one more assignment to do and study for exams. I'm done kinda early this year (June 17) Whoohoo!

The weather is wonderful and hot and I love it! There's a tornado warning today. I want to see one. That would be exciting!

Anyways, this is about nothing and I'm hungry and have work to do. So I'll see most of you on Sunday! Have a good night!

Thursday, June 03, 2004



SOME MAY NOT WANT TO READ THIS!! (you'll see why)

Oh man. I was watching TV for a minute today and I came across OMNI 1 (cabel 4) and they have these little random useless information session things and they were talking about "manties". Well, you might be wondering what the heck I'm talking about, and frankly, I'm wondering that myself. See, these so-called "manties" are like panties for girls, except for men. Who would, in their right mind, come up with such a thing?????? They were showing some designs and they were pink and red with lace and hearts and bows and etc. I mean, it's just WRONG!! In every manner speaking! I would like to see a guy wear them for a day and see how long it takes him to get the crap kicked out of him. It was disgusting. If, or whenever, I get married and my husband where's those things, I swear I will file for divorce right then and there!!!! (only kidding) But still, ewwwwwwwww!!!

Another problem I have is metrosexuals. Okay. You're a guy who happens to like fashion and looking nice, but you're not a homosexual. Why does there have to be a seperate name for it? Who cares if you like fashion and looking nice. If you have a problem with proving your sexuality, then you have issues if you have to say that you're a metrosexual for liking clothes. Ugh. Society bothers me on so many different levels! Hehe. Well, that's my rant/complaint/annoyance for the day. Hope you enjoyed and weren't TOO disturbed like I was! Sorry people if you didn't want to hear it, but that's what you get for ignoring the warning. Although, the psychy (I don't know if I spelled that right) is very alluring. You see a warning sign (good song! Coldplay. Go listen to it!) telling you not to do something and what do you do? You do it! Hahaha. Psychology, isn't it great? Wow, off topic. Anyways, have a good night!

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Where has the time gone?

Well guys, I am now officially 18 years old. Scary stuff I tell ya. I am now legally considered an adult, so if I commit a crime, no juvey for me, it's straight with the big folks! Hahaha....no, no, I'm not going to commit a crime, I was merely making a point!

Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was coming home from school (elementary), going outside to play, no homework, eating dinner, then going outside again to play until bedtime. Those were indeed, the good ol' days. No repsonsibility, no one expected anything from you, you had an excuse to be ignorant, ahhh those days are long gone.

Then there was adolescence. Going to high school, thinking everything was so big and new. It was great! Meeting new people, having a few laughs, a few tears and getting into inevitable trouble. A little more responsibility, more homework, part-time job, fun stuff. Mind you, I still am a teenager, just now, I have to be more "mature". Hehe. I can vote now too! That's exciting.

Now, stupid laws say I'm an adult. How crappy is that? I don't want any more responsibilities!! Actually, I do. But, ugh, I don't know what my point was 'cause the phone rang and now I forget where I was going with this.

Growing up is good too, though. Like how I get to go to University next year! Whoohoo!! That should be fun. But, I'm really hungry and my brain just can't think, so I'm gonna sign off and I hope you all have a magnificent rest of the week!

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Have Another

I went to a really good assembly today, at school, about MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). It was cool, 'cause they had a DVD playing with good stories and good music, I might add! I don't know and I probably don't think that the video actually made anyone else really think about drinking and driving and parties, etc. But it really made me think, because about 99% of my friends drink; not drink as in have a couple, but as in getting completely smashed. I never really cared about people drinking and doing drugs 'cause it's normal, even the most unsuspecting person did it and so now, whenever someone's like, "did you hear so-and-so drank?" I'm kinda like, "not surprising", and it's not, because EVERYONE does it, and I'm serious!

My point is, it's actually really scary what alcohol and drugs can do to you and I'm just waiting for someone to say so-and-so just died from binging or from driving drunk. It's stupid! There is absolutely no point for drinking at such a young age. You may be thinking, "but Aleah, come on! It's high school! They're a bunch of teenagers, what do you expect?" And trust me, I know well that it's really easy to give in to stuff like that, but I mean, come on! It's your life! What's worth more, your life or making yourself look like a fool in front of all your friends? Personally, the latter just isn't worth it. I mean, my friend almost killed himself because he got drunk and drove. He's lucky he didn't kill himself or who was with him or anyone else on the road. But these things happen. People do kill others, themselves and their friends because they made one poor decision.

No, I'm not saying people shouldn't drink at all, but I don't think underage people should because they, well my friends, have proven themselves irresponsible with drinking, therefore you shouldn't risk the life of yourself and others to have a little "fun". The things is, people will always drink and get drunk, but if people are responsible, then stupid things won't happen. Although drinking and responsibility aren't exactly words that go together often. Maybe if people are idiotic, they just shouldn't drink at all. I don't know.

That's my spiel.