Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Sunday, November 28, 2004

My Exciting Life

No, that's a lie.

As you can see, I haven't been blogging really. Surprise surprise. I've been really really busy in the last week or so. I had something due every day and I wrote an exam on Thursday for Sociology. I barely studied for it, and ironically, I think I did better than the last one I actually tried on. Strange world.

I've gone to the young adults thing at New Hope a couple times now. I enjoy it. Nice people, good worship, fun games, all round goodness. I had a long conversation with one of the girls there and it was cool to get a different perspective on things from other people that I don't know. But I feel terrible because I forget her name! I'm usually pretty good with names, which is really annoying Oh well.

Work is still going. Lately, though, I've not wanted to show up. I swear, ALL the sick children end up coming in, and it's horrible! The thing is though, we have a policy about that sort of thing, but I never enforce it, as well as a policy on lateness, and I never enforce that one either. I just can't tell people! I feel so bad! Anyways, I've been told I don't appear to be as enthusiastic about work as normal. That's pretty bad because I'm normally really good at faking being happy. Hehehe...it's a talent! I wish! I need another job for the summer because I really can't survive on $8.00/h 12 hours a week. It just doesn't cut it. My friend (whether she's right or not) said that Ford hires students in the summer and if they work full time, they'll make $17 000. And they give their students scholarships too. It sounds too good to be true and I don't really think I could handle the same boring thing all....day....long. I'd rather enjoy my job and make less money. Though money could buy a car, and a car would be nice. And while I'm dreaming......hehehe. The other thing is, I hate Ford, so do I really want to compromise my views for some cash? It's a cruel world.

Well, there you have it. My not so exciting life. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy it. But a spontaneous adventure would be cool. I always loved those movies where extraordinary things happen to ordinary people. Besides, who would want to watch a movie that was exactly like your own life? You know how boring that would be? And that's why it's called fantasy! Good old fantasy.

Have a good night all!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

If you don't succeed, burn yourself! That's what I learned.

In my SJP class today, we were discussing nonviolence as a force. The class actually broke out into a huge debate where insulting started occuring and it was pretty crazy. Me, being the quiet, shy person that I am, didn't speak up at all. Do any of you remember the crazy guy named Curtis I talked about awhile ago with the whole pencil ownership thing? Yeah, well he brought up the issue today about a Muslim guy who lit himself on fire outside of the Whitehouse gates. I guess he wanted to speak with the government officials and he made his request by handing the guards a note that said URGENT on it and that he'd like to speak to people of authority. Well, of course this wouldn't work and the guards basically said screw you. So he covered himself in gasoline and lit himself on fire screaming "God is great" in Arabic. He did not burn to death, but once he recovered, he was obviously hauled away. This information solely comes from Curtis' mouth, and he said that it wasn't covered in any mainstream media, but rather the more "underground", if you will, sources. The Muslim guy who set himself a light wanted the media to cover him so that the world would see that nonviolence can be a force as well. Too bad for him, the media didn't cover him and he lived to see that his cause was not blatently heard. Poor guy.

Well, the whole "braul" we had in class today was about whether his actions were right. Basically it was one guy fighting the rest of the class claiming that suicide just isn't the answer. It's a really touchy subject because people who stand in front of bulldozers, tanks, trains, etc. are trying to make a statement, but sometimes they get killed. The guy in my class claims that that isn't suicide because someone else is willingly killing the person fighting the cause. But he thinks that the whole setting yourself on fire is suicide. My class claims that it is a worthy cause and it does speak out very clearly that something needs to be done. Sure, sometimes it does speak out clearly. But I really don't agree with setting yourself on fire and justifying it as a worthy cause. My professor claims that this IS nonviolence, but only because it's not toward others and that people can do whatever they want to themselves. Sorry, actually that was Curtis who claims that. But anyhow, it still is violence. Can't people get charged for attempted suicide? Maybe I'm wrong. Still, it's a horrible thing. You can make a statement just as well by doing something else, rather than burning yourself. The Muslim guy was angry at Bush for the war in Iraq because his family/friends/everyone he knows was being killed for nothing. I don't know, it just blows my mind that anyone would do such a thing to themselves. I think that the only thing that the mainstream media would be saying if they actually did cover his case, was that he was some crazed lunatic who wanted to kill himself and blame it on Bush. No, I don't think that. But I can easily see how the media might portray it.

Just the fact that the media didn't cover it says something. Hey, they control what the world sees pretty much, and why wouldn't he consider that they would just turn it around against him? I still can't believe anyone would want to do that. It sure does make a statement though about how much he's probably suffered because of the war in Iraq.

I don't really know much on the issue except for whatever was discussed in class, so feel free to bash me if you'd like.

I just thought it was pretty crazy.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

A little early don't you think?

Man, what's with people? Christmas is in more than a month and a bunch of my neighbours already have their Christmas decorations up. This is ridiculous. I always knew my neighbours were weird, and this just proves it! Christmas will come faster if you just forget about it until at least December, that way you're not all stressed out about it. Then there's my crazy Aunt who starts Christmas shopping in September. Now that's just wacked out. I don't really have a whole lot to say on this issue, I was just noticing it and it really bothered me. I'm also tired of this stupid weather. Make up your mind! Is it winter or not? Bring out the snow! Christmas just isn't Christmas without snow.

Have a good night everyone!

P.S. If you get some 24 hour flu thing, I'm really sorry! Believe me, it's not fun.

P.P.S. I have NO ideas for blogs anymore. Sorry that this is REALLY boring!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

A Couple of Things

First of all, we had our first snow fall yesterday! Most of you are wondering why I would use an exclamation point in reference to snow, well, because I like it alright! Actually, the usual pattern is I want snow up until Christmas, and then once Christmas is over, you'll probably start to hear me complain about it. Anyways, I was at school last night and I went in to class at 6:45ish and then when I came out at 8:20ish (my Prof. was sick, so class was short), it was all white! And it was snowing really hard too. See, I love it when you have a terrible day (my day was terrible, yes) and then when something good happens at night, you always seem to define that day as good. It was also good because I calculated that I didn't fail my geography exam like I thought I would, but I think I got the same as my Sociology exam! My Prof. posted the answers to the multiple choice outside her office, so all I need is the answers to the short answer (which I figure I got perfect on, or close to) and therefore that gives me my mark. It's good to know I'm average. ;)

So yes, as your weather predictor for today, it's supposed to snow some more and then not snow because it's a high of 1, and then snow again on Friday, and be "warmer" Wednesday, Thursday. That's what the New PL site says, so that's what I'm going with.

Happy snow day to you all and enjoy it!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

You don't eat what?

Sorry to do this, but I'm going to pick on all the vegetarians/vegans/crazy people out there. First of all, you don't want to eat meat, fine, don't. A lot of people don't eat meat just because they're on some health kick or whatever. But I'm picking on the people who don't eat meat because "it's mean to hurt the poor animals". Am I all for randomly killing animals and abusing them for no reason? No. Am I all for brutally murdering them and eating them? Yes. Well, in a sense. Maybe not the whole "brutally murdering" part, but eating them, yeah, of course.

I think it's pretty obsurd when people say it's wrong to kill animals to eat them and they have feelings too, blah, blah, blah. I think that certain animals were created just so we could eat them. Back in the hunter and gatherer societies, they would have all died if they didn't eat meat. It was a main source of nutrition. I really don't think you could argue that they could live off of berries and fruit for the rest of their lives. It's just not possible. One of my friends is a vegetarian and she won't eat beef, chicken, etc., but she will eat fish. Why you ask? Well I did too. She said it's because fish have scales, therefore they can't feel pain and so it doesn't hurt them when you cut them open and pull out their insides. This does not justify eating them! It only justifies an EXCUSE to eat them! Of course they feel pain.

Furthermore, the only thing I'm against eating is lobster. It's so inhumane the way people cook them. To me at least, it just looks disgusting. First you boil them alive and listen to them scream (if you ever heard one, it literally screams. Kind of bone chilling actually). Also, I don't think it's right when people kill animals for sport, such as tigers, panda bears, regular bears, elephants, just for some form of trade to sell their fur or ivory tusks; unless of course they're squirrels. Man I hate those things.

But anyways, back to vegetarians. You know how overpopulated the world would be if no one killed and ate cows? Besides, vegans don't eat dairy products, because "it doesn't belong to humans. It's for the cow's babies." Yeah, whatever. If you didn't milk a cow, it would explode. So really, you're saving it's life by taking it's milk. Whoa ho, a solution! Also, the number one leading cause of starvation in India, is cow worship. Why? Because it is illegal to kill a cow in India. So all these cows are running around, free to do whatever the heck they want, while the civilians sit and starve to death. Not only that, the cows are free to roam wherever they want, right, so they go and kill all the crops and stuff, which was the only shred of hope the people had of actually eating. Kill the cows! Eat them and enjoy sweet, juicy steak!

Besides, what's with people trying to replace hamburgers and hot dogs with soy products and claiming they taste the same? No they don't! Ever had one of those? It's like chewing on your hand, it's so gross. Granted, I will give them that tofu tastes pretty good in pasta, but that's it. None of this tofurkey crap you want to serve for Christmas. It's just not going to happen.

The only thing I would change about eating meat, is possibly the process of some of the farms that make meat. I saw a video on it once, and the people were pretty brutal. They would beat pigs in the head with crow bars and they had no sensitivity whatsoever to the animals. I may be all for eating meat, but I'm definitely not all for making the poor things suffer horrible, painful deaths. Make it quick and painless. That's the best way to go. They're pointless animals anyways. Might as well eat them.

My opinion is purely uneducational, so feel free to rip it apart if you disagree.