Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Why, oh, why did she swallow a fly?

For some reason I was humming that song, so voila! I-'tis my title. 2 weeks, and 2 days. Oh someone shoot me now!! I'm not ecstatic to return to the classes and schedules and having to do work for a specific deadline. I've gotten quite comfortable in my routine of working and then hanging out, or watching movies since I've been alone for 2 weeks.....argh. Part of me wants to go back because I am very routinized (?). I've got all my stuff ready. Surprise surprise I know. Aleah's ahead of the game? What? Zat cannot be! Although I won't buy my books until classes actually start because I just don't feel like it hahaha. It's kind of exciting this year because my best friend's going to Western now, Nate's starting and so is Elyse so there'll be lots of people I know. I find it kinda cool that most of the people from Faith going to University are all at the same place. Our little family unit cannot be broken.....muahahahaha!! I just drank a lot of tea, so I'm a bit hyped up. Anyways, I'm on my way to work. I like working nights much better because my manager's not there and she's a real....bad person. She can be nice when you're doing perfect, but she's the angry type that can't deal with mistakes. One of those control freaks who should be locked up. Hopefully she doesn't read this....

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Famous Last Words

I've been thinking a lot about my words lately. I'm being really lazy these days and I guess the things that come out of my mouth aren't exactly the greatest. It's not even curse words, it's just negativity. I'm not sure why all of a sudden, but other people have noticed and commented on it, and so it got me thinking. Every next word we say could be our last. This isn't some depressed realization. Quite the opposite, actually. It's more of an epiphany. Something you hear over and over and you let it roll off your shoulders until it actually means something to you personally. That's sort of how I learn all my lessons. The hard way. I can never seem to take words of wisdom if it goes against something I want, even if it's coming from someone with a lot more experience than I. I've said this before, but if I'm told something's hot and not to touch it, I almost always touch it just to see how hot it is. I do that to this day and it's pretty, well, stupid. It can be a positive trait, however, because it gives me a bit of independence in that I don't have to rely on people to tell me what to do all the time. I can figure it out for myself. But some lessons just aren't meant to be learned.

Going back to words, it says in the Bible that we are to watch what we say and to build each other up. I don't think a lot of people, me definitely included, understand the importance of this. Think back to all the good things people have said about you. Got any? Now think back to every negative thing you've been told. Which one has more influence? The majority would say the negative. What is it about negativity that gets to us? That's my question. The saying, I believe, is true that it takes 100 positive words to make up for one negative comment. I'm not sure why, but I just can't wrap my head around why we can't shake off other peoples opinions. I know God made us relational beings so people are important to us; but even when a stranger says something, mostly we think twice about what they say. Maybe it's conditioned in us through society and other influences. Maybe it's the devil's manipulation to weasel his way in. I haven't quite figured it out. All I know is I gotta start watching what I say. As you all know, my family can be pretty sarcastic, but even sarcasm can cut deep. So it's hard to know when to draw the line and who to draw the line with, because you never really know the impact of your words.

P.S. I renamed my blog Famous Last Words 'cause a) I like it, and b) it's a Jars of Clay song that I really like. S'funny, the little caption underneath is also a Jars of Clay song.