Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Campus Food

Wow, the whole blog thing is suffering pretty good. Hahaha.


You know what's really starting to annoy the heck out of me? I'm sure you can guess. A lot of things, right. Well, just the cost of food on campus is absolutely ridiculous. I'm going to be broke forever. I spent two bucks on a friggin' thing of juice and you know those little individual sized bags of chips? Yeah, well that cost me a dollar fifty. It's crazy I tell you. They shouldn't be allowed to do this. They already sucked more than five thousand out of me! What more do they want? Yeah, well that's all.

Friday, September 17, 2004


Yep that's right. I can now drive!! Yeah! I passed my G2 test this morning....I finally went and got it. Heh, I could've had my G2 for about a year and a half if I had of actually went when I was supposed to, but ah well.

I wasn't so nervous until I woke up this morning at like 6am for some reason. Then I started thinking about it and I realized I had never backed into a parking spot before, and that kind of got me all panicky, but then I fell back asleep and it was all good. Hehehe.

I did screw up a bit though. I was being overly cautious and such and so I came to a red light and he told me to turn right, so I went to stop for the red light, but then it changed to green, but for some reason I still stopped before my turn anways and he told me not to do that; I also went to slow in a residential area, which is very weird for me, 'cause I usually fly through them....but hey, I passed, so I really don't care! So yep. That's it. Anyone need me to drive them anywhere? ;)

Oh, I have one little problem to tell the world. I was looking at the newspaper while eating my predictable bowl of cereal this morning, and I stumbled upon something very interesting. Of course, it has nothing to do with the news because I don't really read it, but there was this little thing in the Sears catelogue or something like that, and it was a Catwoman doll. It was the stupidest thing ever! I swear, it looked like it was some sort of stripper/prostitute thing. And this doll or Barbie, is for little girls? Oh, oh, and it comes with a wip and everything! Isn't that exciting? It almost made me sick. The pants have all those little shreds and tears in them and the shirt, well, isn't really a shirt, and it's all leather too. I just think it's terrible that this is what all the little girls are playing with these days. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against Barbies or whatever, I played with them when I was a kid, actually I liked G.I. Joes better but that's beside the point, I just think this is going a bit far. I don't know. I just wouldn't want my little girl playing with some prostitute doll, that's all. So, tell me what you think. Agree, disagree, whatever.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

I'm Beginning to Hate London

That's right.

This city is starting to really bother me. I hate the bus system. It has got to be the worst public transit system on the face of the Earth. I had a class (or so I though, explanation later) at 6:oopm right; so I figured I'd get on the bus at 5pm, since 5:30 would be pushing it since the bus only comes every half hour. Well, I'm standing there for 20 minutes waiting for the stupid bus to come and finally it does, but I mean, people have things to do! They're not taking the bus for the joy of riding it along with other people who don't have the priviledge (yes, priviledge, it's not a right, especially when there's so many crappy drivers out there) of driving a car. So, needless to say, I did make my class, but I don't want to stand around for 20 minutes trying to figure out if the bus is going to show up or not. And it takes me about 10-15 minutes to drive to my high school, dependng on traffic, but on the bus, it takes an hour and a half because the routes suck and the times suck. Public transportation is supposed to be convenient! Not a pain in the butt! Anyways, that's my rant about this city and their lack of good transportation.

Now, for my class. Well, I wasted a good three hours tonight. I got to the bus stop at 5pm, got to my class at about quarter to six, and there ended up not being a class. Whoo....there's another hour wasted. Then, my 7 o'clock lecture, which was supposed to go until 9pm, ended up lasting 5 minutes. That's right. So, I wasted my entire "evening" doing nothing but waiting and wondering. It turns out my professor was sick and couldn't make it. You know what? I'm sick too! I feel like someone shoved a screwdriver down my throat.....okay that's a little drastic, but I'm not in the greatest mood right now. But the upside is I get to watch Spiderman for class on Thursday. I love that movie! Yea, now I'm happy again! Anyways, I hope you all have a lovely night watching Canada win the World Cup....though the score is tied as of the end of the first period. Go Canada!

Sunday, September 12, 2004


Well, O-week is over and now I must begin my regular class schedule. Lots of fun activities and great people and lots of other exciting things happening for me! Lets see, I went to some barbecues (I learned every University student loves free food); I went to the dance at Brescia, which was alright for a dance; I hung out in the tent a bit and wandered the campus (stupid, long travelling time from each campus); and I went to the Billy Talent concert on Friday night. It was pretty good. I somehow managed to get right up at the front in the mosh pit and close to the stage. But man, people are pretty vicious! So, I kinda backed it up a bit, so as to not die. Some girl took a really hard fall though from body surfing. She came to the pit and there was no one there to catch her so she went head first onto the ground. I helped her up and she said she was alright, which was good. As for the concert, I came at about 8:30ish and I saw a couple bands before Billy Talent and they were alright I guess, but not amazing. Billy Talent was pretty good though. His voice is so crazy! It's hilarious. I've never really been to a concert like that before and I was sort of surprised to hear so much swearing just because you were never allowed to say that on a high school stage, so I just automatically figured the same thing for here. But I sure was wrong! It takes a lot of energy out of you though, being on the ground and jumping or being pushed around. But it's fun!

Tomorrow I start my classes. I only had one on Thursday, which was Sociology. It lasted 25 minutes and we pretty much did nothing. It was great. Now only if all my classes were like that, then that would be pretty sweet. Other than that, there's not a whole lot going on.

All I have to say is life is great and change is good. ;)

Monday, September 06, 2004

O-Week Begins

Well, today was the first day of O-week. It wasn't all THAT great. See, I was really sick this morning and it took all the strength I had in me to actually get off the couch and go and meet my friend. I got this cool green shirt though saying that I'm a Frosh. Whoohoo! So, once I felt a little better, it was okay. I saw Ariel there and we hung out for like 15 minutes! Haha. He ditched his friend, so I told him he could come along with me, although he's 25, which is a little awkward, but ah well. Then I saw Juliet and hung around with her for a bit. I met some cool people, but I don't think I'd be good friends with them. My friend and I realized after awhile that all the people we met were guys, so we went in search for some girls to talk to. See, the way I figure is guys are easier to first talk to 'cause they don't seem so judgemental at first. I could already see the little cliques forming with the "cool" kids and the "not-so-cool" kids. Gee, I hate that.

We went to the Labatt Hall for some welcome thing and they taught us all these cheers and stuff and it was alright. Apparently King's has a mullet cheer! Hehe. And this guy named Dan went up to the front because he had this crazy mullet! There was this pretty good "motivational" speaker who had attended King's way back when. Afterwards, I was talking with some Sophs and they yelled at Andy (speaker guy) to come over and he was really nice, which was very welcoming I guess you could say. Then I went to see the football game and left at half time because all the King's students were going back for a free barbecue but I didn't want to eat barbecue food, so I went home and actually ate dinner! (If you heard what I've eaten over the past 3 days, you'd all probably kill me). So, yeah, it was an okay day and I'm really excited to start classes and everything. That's what I'm mostly looking forward to. Oh and I met some people in my classes, which is cool.

Anyways, that's all. Have a good night!

Saturday, September 04, 2004


School is in two days. Whoo!! *sigh*

I'm excited, but in that nervous sort of way. You know how it is.

Anyways, I was so excited about my books that I read one of them already, as in totally finished it. It was only 190 pages, so no maginificent defeat or anything. I can tell that I'll have a pretty interesting year ahead of me. The book was actually really good, as in interesting. Except that I don't believe in everything that the author spoke of, because some of it is pretty extreme for my beliefs. I can understand the whole communism label though, that's for sure! No, I'm not communist, not by a long shot. See, one of the author's ideas about homeless people struck me as very odd. He spoke of how we should just leave homeless people alone, because that's how they want to be and most of them choose this lifestyle. So, instead of preventing homelessness, we should accede it. He suggested that, if homeless people want to live under bridges or in parks or something, we should accomodate them by putting in electricity for them or fix the bridges to be more "homey" for them. I fully disagreed with this idea. I even laughed when I read it. First of all, if we install electricty in the parks or under the bridges for them, what the heck would they be using it for? Do you think homeless people walk around with little microwaves or portable heaters? Come on! Get real here.

The whole thing about homeless people wanting orchoosing this lifestlye, is just absurd. Sure, there are the small percentage of homeless people who enjoy the freedom and laissez faire lifestyle, but a lot of homeless people are either mentally unstable, drug addicts or kicked out of their houses. Then there are also other miscellaneous cases as well, but that is irrelevent right now. I just don't think that the majority of homeless people actually prefer to be homeless and would choose homelessness over a job and a house. But, hey, maybe I'm wrong. The author argued that in fact, homeless people actually do want to be homeless. All because one or two people said that they liked it. They said that they like the freedom and they actually earn money by collecting cans. Well, fine. They can enjoy this. But these homeless people obviously haven't spent a Canadian winter out on the streets. I mean, I get cold just waiting for the bus, let alone sleeping and living on the streets for 4 months of winter. There's only so much you can take.

He also talked about how we are dealing with the "problem" of homelessness. He said that the government wants to berid of homeless people because they are outside of the heirarchy of society because, obviously, they don't contribute to it in the form of money, which is true and I can see why the government would be concerned about that. He said that the programs are useless that in place. Each year it never stops homelessness and it never will. And each year, we know it, but we have false hope that maybe one day it will. Sure, this is sort of true, and I can understand this as well. But he said that it takes "vision" to fix this and that we shouyldn't be worrying about solving the problems or preventing things from happening, but we should make happen what we want to happen. But I think, what would happen if there weren't any programs? Sure, it's easy for him to say that we should have this "vision" and make happen what we want to happen, but in the meantime, what are we supposed to do with those starving on the streets who depend on the shelters? Should we just say, "No, sorry. The programs aren't in place right now because we're trying to create this vision that is going to save you in the future. But in the meantime, try to find a job so you can eat." Maybe I'm being extreme, but whatever.

Don't get me wrong, he did have some good ideas, but I can't get to them right now because I have to leave. So have a great night guys!