Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Sunday, September 12, 2004


Well, O-week is over and now I must begin my regular class schedule. Lots of fun activities and great people and lots of other exciting things happening for me! Lets see, I went to some barbecues (I learned every University student loves free food); I went to the dance at Brescia, which was alright for a dance; I hung out in the tent a bit and wandered the campus (stupid, long travelling time from each campus); and I went to the Billy Talent concert on Friday night. It was pretty good. I somehow managed to get right up at the front in the mosh pit and close to the stage. But man, people are pretty vicious! So, I kinda backed it up a bit, so as to not die. Some girl took a really hard fall though from body surfing. She came to the pit and there was no one there to catch her so she went head first onto the ground. I helped her up and she said she was alright, which was good. As for the concert, I came at about 8:30ish and I saw a couple bands before Billy Talent and they were alright I guess, but not amazing. Billy Talent was pretty good though. His voice is so crazy! It's hilarious. I've never really been to a concert like that before and I was sort of surprised to hear so much swearing just because you were never allowed to say that on a high school stage, so I just automatically figured the same thing for here. But I sure was wrong! It takes a lot of energy out of you though, being on the ground and jumping or being pushed around. But it's fun!

Tomorrow I start my classes. I only had one on Thursday, which was Sociology. It lasted 25 minutes and we pretty much did nothing. It was great. Now only if all my classes were like that, then that would be pretty sweet. Other than that, there's not a whole lot going on.

All I have to say is life is great and change is good. ;)


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