Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Sorry all. I haven't abondoned this blog or anything. It's just that I have nothing really to say. And I still don't have anything to say, I just thought I'd let you all know that.

The same old stuff is going on with me. Pretty much work. Today I worked a double shif anf it was brutal. In the morning it was pretty crazy and one of the parents left the door open and a baby escaped (I didn't know because there was so much going on) so this guy comes in and is all pissed off and is like, "Did you know there's a kid out here?" So I went and grbabed her and shut the door. Then tonight, my volunteer was taking all the kids to the foutain outside thr daycare door and her son ran out and one of the kids had to chase him in the mall to catch him because my volunteer was holding a baby and I was helping a girl who had just had an "accident" in the washroom. It's times like those when I don't like my job. But ah well. My work also screwed up my pay and cut 12 hours off my paycheque so I had to straighten that out, which was a pain.

School is in like two weeks! Like some of you, I'm xcited! Everyone assumes I'm nervous, but really I'm not! I have two classes with my friend from high school ad one class with Juliet. The class with Juliet is Religious Studies.....go figure, eh?! I still have to buy my books and pay the first deposit, in which I found out once I relaxed, was that I'm only a couple hundred short of the full tuition price, which is fine.

I watched three movies on the weekend. Actually, they were rented and they are kind of old. But the first was League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. My first impression of it was distorted due to the circumstance in which I was watching it. But, I actually like it now. I mean, it's not as good as say, Spiderman or something, but it was still pretty entertaining. The second was Daddy Daycare. Yeah yeah, be quiet. It was a "cute" movie. It was clean, which is surprising considering it was Eddie Murphey. I don't know if there were any "plotholes" in it, because that's not why I watch movies. It was fairly funny, but nothing special. The last was S.W.A.T. It was alright. I mean, the whole story line was kind of crazy. The action was okay and all. There was quite a bit of language in it, and the amazing part was that it wasn't all said by Colin Ferrel. I really didn't like the girl in the movie though. She was too tough for me. I don't know, maybe you guys like that or something but she was kind of creepy.

Anyways, not really a whole lot going on. Enjoy your night and go outside 'cause it's really nice!


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