Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

"'Cause I'm free...."

YEEEAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! I am FINALLY free of those terrible things!! Oh this just made my day. I put up with almost three years of H.E. double hockey sticks and it finally paid off! That's right. Sorry, I had to share my joy and utmost thrill! Some of you understand, others may think I'm crazy, but I don't really care!

On another note, I only have 3 days of school (actual school days that is). I have one more assignment to do and study for exams. I'm done kinda early this year (June 17) Whoohoo!

The weather is wonderful and hot and I love it! There's a tornado warning today. I want to see one. That would be exciting!

Anyways, this is about nothing and I'm hungry and have work to do. So I'll see most of you on Sunday! Have a good night!