Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Life's Not Fair

That's an expression we hear everyday. I use it ALL the time! It's so easy to say,'cause you know what? It's true! It is unfair. Things just suck in the world sometimes and we don't always know why. That's what I hate. Why can't I know why? Why can't we prevent things from happening and stop destructive things in our life before they even take place? Well,I don't know why we can't. What's the greatest fear in the world? The unknown. Hey,I'm afraid of the unknown. One of my biggest fear is really deep water, like so deep you can't see the bottom. Why? 'Cause I don't know what's down there or if something's gonna come up and eat me! (Not literally, but you know).

There will always be people suffering in the world and starving, and stuck in war, and being raped or taken advantage of. There are starving children in Africa and the Philippines and Thailand and even in London and it doesn't seem fair that that would happen, because they're innocent children and haven't even been given a chance at what a "normal" life is. It takes place everywhere. Those are the facts of life. They cannot be escaped.

Why am I writing this making people all depressed and what not? To let you know that there's actually good in this world. Right now, all we talk about in school is the bad stuff, like domestic violence and the war in Iraq and stuff. But you know, there are good people out there, though it seems distant. There's people like Compassion and shelters and things that do stuff for homeless people or victims of rape or people who just need help. There are people who do extremely generous things anonymously, just because they want to help and they don't need the recognition of what they've done.

So all I wanted to say is that we should be thinking about the good in the world as well as trying to fix the bad. I hope this doesn't sound like some thing like "we need worldpeace" and blah blah blah, but I just hate (ironically) hearing everyone complaining about how bad life is and how much it sucks. A lot of us don't realize how lucky we are and how much we really do have. Well for some, how much life sucks is up to how much they let it. And agreed, life can suck sometimes and I'm not denying that it can be difficult or whatever, 'cause it can. Just try to see the good, even though it's hard sometimes, it's still possible. There's my message of hope for people....whoohoo. Anyways, have a good day! :) My lunch will be over soon and my friends have abondoned me to go to Montreal for a school trip. Lucky them!! So I thought I'd screw around on here! Hahaha! Anyways...