Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Are We Really That Mean?

Man, I have another problem with people. This time it's with girls. I'm sorry girls, not all of you, but I mean a lot! Probably including myself. Well, most likely actually.

Well, me being a good student and leaving the classroom to go sit with friends in the caf, I came upon an unusual discussion. See, my friends were ranting about someone they didn't like. Not unusual to hear this coming from them (since we do it all the time, me included) I didn't really think it weird. But the thing is, they were talking about a good friend of ours. It made me realize how much girls stab each other in the back. It bugs me because it goes to show you never really know who your true friends are. I'm kinda sick and tired of it actually, 'cause they pretend everything is okay, and then the person leaves and they start going on about how much they hate this person and this person sucks because of this....

The thing is, I'm well aware that I do it to. Not to their same extent, but I still gossip about people and it's not right. I just think that girls are really mean, because they don't always tell straight out what they're thinking of you, which makes it really difficult. No, I'm not saying ALL girls are like this, 'cause they're not. I've just noticed it within some girls and I think it's stupid. I mean, as soon as someone does something wrong or stupid, or says something "weird", people just abondon their friends and trash talk them instead.

Maybe I should speak up. I don't know. I have a tendency of sitting back and listening instead of contributing. But I'm probably just as guilty as them. Like the saying goes, "There are no innocent by-standers." It's true. So I guess my point is, think before you trash a friend, or anyone for that matter. 'Cause it's really easy to. Trust me, I know.