Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Monday, January 31, 2005

Perfect Circle

I don't really have a whole lot to say, except that my new favourite video right now (even though it's pretty old) is Imagine by Perfect Circle. I think it's really powerful, especially the images that are shown in it and the little news exerpts at the bottom of the screen. I think a most shocking part for me was when they showed the American stuffing his face with chicken and then they showed an African child licking white goop off his hand for food. If you want to watch it, I'd recommend going to www.musicvideos.com All you do is type in "imagine" in the video search and then click on the one that says watch. I had to set up a yahoo account to watch a whole bunch of videos, but I think you all can get away with watching just this one. The song is the cover for John Lennon's version of Imagine, but I like this version a little better. It's darker, but really good. Have a good day everyone and watch the video!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Crazy crazy

Wow. I thought I was swamped before? Ha! I'm dying here. I have so much work to do. The only reason I'm not doing it right now is because I'm waiting for my ride to go home. Sweet home. You know, I could really use the summer right now. The beach, the warmth, the sun, the better-than-this.

Oh, there was this really cool speaker who came in to my SJP class, and man, his story was absolutely unbelievable! I'm not going to share it because it's long and very sad and depressing and rather disgusting, actually. But yeah, he's very inspirational and I liked how he talked about God guiding his life. Very cool.

Sorry for the randomness of ideas, but I don't actually have anything really important to say. I'm rather quite tired and bored, so this is what I'm doing for amusement.

Anyways, hope your lives are less chaotic! :P

Saturday, January 15, 2005


Do you guys want to hear something scary? Well, it's scary to me, at least.

Did anyone hear of the girl who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend over here by where I live? Well here's the story. This girl had been off and on with this guy for awhile. He was a heavy cocaine and heroine addict among other drugs. This girl had ended the relationship with him because he was verbally abusive and most likely phyisically abusive, as well. So he was angry with her that she didn't get back together with him and he decided to break into her house one night while her and her friend were at her house. He broke in the window, had cut her tires so she couldn't drive away and cut the phone lines so she couldn't call for help. He stabbed her and her friend and the friend ran across the street to call for help and when she came back, he had stabbed her multiple times to where she died. The friend survived with a knife wound.

The thing is, the girl who died was the sister of one of the girls I work with. Apparently she was the sweetest girl who just always got herself mixed up with the wrong guys. I think that's so sad. I mean, she's just this sweet, innocent girl who thought she could change him (that's why she gets herself into these relationships. So she can change them into better people). You want to hear something else scary? I knew who the guy was that killed her. He came into the gym all the time. In fact, the morning he killed her, he was in the gym working out while I working. That's so scary to think of. He was a huge guy. I mean, huge. Probably one of the biggest guys I've seen come in. He had tattoos all down his arms and the girl couldn't have fought him off if her life depended on it, which it did, even if he didn't have a knife. He had to be on steroids or something. But he was one scary guy.

I just can't stop thinking that he was there. You never think that those sort of things would happen close to home. It's scary. I feel so bad for the girl I work with and her family. No one deserves to go through that. It's terrible. It's evil.

He's probably going to try and plead insanity because of the drugs. The thing is, when I was in law class in grade 11 (nothing special), we used to defend cases like that, where the accused was on drugs and at the time I kind of sympathized with them. I really don't now. I don't care what you were on. You should get more time because you were stupid enough to do the drugs in the first place. I'm sorry, I know that's not the way the legal system works, but I'm just so angry. I mean, he came in to work out and the girl's sister works with me, and she was most likely working that day because she always works and he was there. You can't help but think, "what if?" I wish you could know when those sort of things are going to happen because maybe he could have been stopped or something. It's just not fair sometimes.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Something to think about

Whoa, I was really scared for a few days. I thought that I had a 10-12 page essay due in a week, but it turns out that it's not due until February 7. Yeah! That gives me so much more time than I had anticipated. God is good.

I'm taking a break from working on school. So much to do!!! (Everyone else in University can concur with me).

Yesterday in my Social Justice and Peace Studies class we were talking about homelessness. I was excited because poverty and homelessness are the issues that I really enjoy learning/studying. I just finished working on my presentation on homelessness and I actually learned a lot about it. My topic was specific to youth who are homeless. But it helped me to know a lot of facts, rather than the usual stereotypical mindset that most people have about homeless people. Most people assume that homeless people are generally drug addicts or mentally ill. But that's not true at all. Less than 20% of homeless people have drug addictions or are mentally ill. The youth who do do drugs usually do it to relieve some of the pain they are feeling. Most homeless people are runaways from some form of abuse or oppression they experienced at home (this is called emotion-focused coping and isn't as effective because it's only a temprary relief). I think that's terrible. The problem is that there aren't enough resources to assist homeless people because if there's a case where a youth is being abused, they are less likely to get aid because social workers take the calls from children more seriously since they are more vulnerable than adolescents are. Therefore, that person is left to either suffer the abuse, or pretty much to become homeless if no one else is willing to take care of them.

I think that there should be more help coming from the community. I mean, most of us (me included until I researched this topic) don't really care to help the homeless. Why? Firstly, because of the previously mentioned stereotypes and also because we're selfish and greedy people. If we're not being entertained, then we're not interested. Besides, did God not command us to help those in need? So why aren't we!! (I'm also included in this). I think it's completely unfair that someone can inherit millions of dollars for doing absolutely nothing, and then there's some homeless guy working his butt off so that he can make a few bucks, but isn't getting anywhere with his life. I was watching a movie about tent city in Toronto (an area where homeless people live in tents) and these two guys worked so hard and built themselves this little dwelling (I wouldn't even call it a house) out of scrap material that they found around the city. A lot of people assume that homeless people are lazy and don't have jobs (I'm not gonna lie, some are, but the majority aren't). The reality is, that no one can survive on a part time job. On average, a person needs to make $11/h in order to afford a one bedroom apartment, let alone the costs of food, transportation, repairs and other costs that come with life. That's why you see homeless people walking around with nice little things like a nice coat, or shoes or something because A) someone gave it to them, or B) they can afford those things, but they just can't afford to pay rent or anything.

That's just a little about what I'm thinking. I don't really want to write everything else and bore you guys! I could debate this forever!!! (Feel free to disagree).

Have a good night! :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

All is well

I must say, I'm not into the whole bloggint thing anymore. But I will say, whoever still reads this, I feel very appreciated. I figured I might as well post when I have something positive to say. Life is great! There's my positive for you!

See, it's weird. The first semester, I wasn't motivated at all. I didn't ever want to do work and I loathed studying with all my being. Not sure why.....but meh. NOW, however, I absolutely love doing work. It's the strangest thing. I like being in class, at the library, studying, working on things. I feel like I'm accomplishing things and I figured out what I want to do after school. I'm not going to say, because, well, it might change and I hate it when people ask me that anyways. Actually, I'm in the library right now! It's great.

Also, church is good because I am getting more involved and I can talk to more than just the people I knew from Faith (I still love you all). I am looking forward to the 40 Day Express thing on Sunday. Very good.

Life in general is just great. I've learned a lot about myself and other things that were happening and figured everything out and have a very good understanding. I think I'd call that God's doing, if you will.

Anyways, for those who still read this, there's my life right now and I hope you enjoyed.

Have a good day :)