Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Well, I signed up for all my courses yesterday. I have to remember to pay my deposit though....that was just a reminder to myself! Anyways, so this is what my schedule looks like so far:

Monday: Religious Studies (a study of the New Testament) - 9:30-11:00am

Tuesday: Sociology (Social Inequality) - 8:30-11:30am (it's at Brescia though)
Social Justice and Peace Studies - 6:00-9:00pm

Wednesday: Religious Studies (same one) - 9:30-11:00am
Social Justice and Peace Studies (different one) - 6:00-9:00pm

Thursday: Sociology (Minority Groups) - 3:30-6:30pm

Friday: OFF!!!!!!!

Hahahaha that's twice in a row I've managed to get Fridays off! I'm happy about that! That really helps with work though. So yes, that is my schedule. I also have to do some volunteer work for SJP, so I think that I'm going to try to get into Compassion Canada and do something there since I am hoping to work there some day, if possible. Anyways, have a great weekend everyone! :)

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Hello everybody! This isn't going to be a typical post....in fact, it's not really a post at all. I just had a question and I can't seem to figure out the answer to it, so I thought I'd raise it to you all and see what you think.

I was just wondering, is it better to spend time with God everyday no matter what, even if your heart isn't in it; or to to keep doing it even if it feels like it's only being done out of routine, or some dutiful act or something? For example, if throughout your readings, or prayers, you're just grumbling and not wanting to do it or getting anything out of it, would it be better to just not do it, and wait until you're heart is in it, or do it anyways? Because in the Bible, isn't there a situation where the people are doing all these "right" things and everything, but their hearts weren't in the right place, so God got mad? I may be completely off on that one, but for some reason I'm remembering that. Anyways, hopefully someone can help me out. See you all!