I am wholly against religion.
That may be a bold statement, but it's the truth. I'd even goes as far as to say I hate it. The whole subject of faith, belief and religion has played out in my mind for a long time. I could never quite figure out why people are so against religion. I used to think that religion had to do with your own personal belief. But I've come to realize that it has nothing to do with that at all. Religion is just an excuse to A) do what you want and give reasoning for it, and B) to control. Beginning with A, take the Crusades for example. My history on this is a little rusty so correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe what they did (the "Christian" Europeans) was they slaughtered a whole bunch of people....I think they were some tribal groups or something...I don't quite remember. But the basis is that these Christians killed a whole bunch of people in the name of God. No wonder Christians have a bad name! If God is ordering people to execute "savages" than God is not who I thought He was. My point here is that historical events/figures have done really stupid and inhumane things, but used God as the reasoning and justification behind it and that's just wrong to me.
On to B. I'm going to pick on the Catholic church because, well, I don't agree with it. We actually continuously have discussions about this in my Liberation Theology class, but you also want to know why Christianity is given a bad name? Look at the Catholic church. It is so ritualistic that it makes me sick. It's a chore to go because it's boring, its focus is distorted, and there is no freedom. What its aim is, is to contol who does what and who has what position. What's the point of confessional? So the priest can redeem you of your sins? Only God can do that. What's the point of the Pope? Is he any better than you or me? Does God love him more because he gets to ride around in that fancy car and everyone bows down to him? No. In fact, I disagree with the whole premise of people getting so excited over the Pope's arrival or appearance. Does that mean the Pope doesn't have anything good to say, or that he shouldn't be allowed to speak at all? No no no. But I don't think he should be elevated on such a level that he now becomes superior and there is created this hierarchy in which the focus becomes wealth and status within the church; it's almost idolised. Way back in the day, the church and the state were one, in a sense, but that ended up not working. I think it's horrible that indulgences were sold by the church to generate money, and by doing so, they tricked people into believing salvation came through these little pieces of paper. That's just manipulation of power.
What is church about? What is Christianity about? Certainly not controlling the masses and carrying out meaningless rituals Sunday after Sunday. I think that's the problem is that Christianity is about relationship. It's about me and God. Not me, God, and Benedict. I think that's why so many people are turned off by it is because there are all these meaningless rules. People are just following rules for the sake of following rules. There's no foundation. Sure there are some rules to follow that are clearly laid out in the Bible...especially in the New Testament regarding Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. No, I am not against church in any way. I'm just against the fact that in some relgions, or sects of Christianity, it becomes a focus of religon, not relationship. I actually think church is amazing because you learn and grow and are accountable to others. It is in the church that community is created and that people can come as one and develop relationships. Does this mean there won't ever be churches without problems? Of course not! But I just think a lot of churches, a lot of Christians have lost the purpose, or focus and our eyes should be on God, not on the self preservation of the church. For it says in the Bible that through Jesus we are saved and by him alone do we receive salvation.
Note: this was a very random tangent, so sorry for being all over the place and not laying this out clearer.
That may be a bold statement, but it's the truth. I'd even goes as far as to say I hate it. The whole subject of faith, belief and religion has played out in my mind for a long time. I could never quite figure out why people are so against religion. I used to think that religion had to do with your own personal belief. But I've come to realize that it has nothing to do with that at all. Religion is just an excuse to A) do what you want and give reasoning for it, and B) to control. Beginning with A, take the Crusades for example. My history on this is a little rusty so correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe what they did (the "Christian" Europeans) was they slaughtered a whole bunch of people....I think they were some tribal groups or something...I don't quite remember. But the basis is that these Christians killed a whole bunch of people in the name of God. No wonder Christians have a bad name! If God is ordering people to execute "savages" than God is not who I thought He was. My point here is that historical events/figures have done really stupid and inhumane things, but used God as the reasoning and justification behind it and that's just wrong to me.
On to B. I'm going to pick on the Catholic church because, well, I don't agree with it. We actually continuously have discussions about this in my Liberation Theology class, but you also want to know why Christianity is given a bad name? Look at the Catholic church. It is so ritualistic that it makes me sick. It's a chore to go because it's boring, its focus is distorted, and there is no freedom. What its aim is, is to contol who does what and who has what position. What's the point of confessional? So the priest can redeem you of your sins? Only God can do that. What's the point of the Pope? Is he any better than you or me? Does God love him more because he gets to ride around in that fancy car and everyone bows down to him? No. In fact, I disagree with the whole premise of people getting so excited over the Pope's arrival or appearance. Does that mean the Pope doesn't have anything good to say, or that he shouldn't be allowed to speak at all? No no no. But I don't think he should be elevated on such a level that he now becomes superior and there is created this hierarchy in which the focus becomes wealth and status within the church; it's almost idolised. Way back in the day, the church and the state were one, in a sense, but that ended up not working. I think it's horrible that indulgences were sold by the church to generate money, and by doing so, they tricked people into believing salvation came through these little pieces of paper. That's just manipulation of power.
What is church about? What is Christianity about? Certainly not controlling the masses and carrying out meaningless rituals Sunday after Sunday. I think that's the problem is that Christianity is about relationship. It's about me and God. Not me, God, and Benedict. I think that's why so many people are turned off by it is because there are all these meaningless rules. People are just following rules for the sake of following rules. There's no foundation. Sure there are some rules to follow that are clearly laid out in the Bible...especially in the New Testament regarding Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. No, I am not against church in any way. I'm just against the fact that in some relgions, or sects of Christianity, it becomes a focus of religon, not relationship. I actually think church is amazing because you learn and grow and are accountable to others. It is in the church that community is created and that people can come as one and develop relationships. Does this mean there won't ever be churches without problems? Of course not! But I just think a lot of churches, a lot of Christians have lost the purpose, or focus and our eyes should be on God, not on the self preservation of the church. For it says in the Bible that through Jesus we are saved and by him alone do we receive salvation.
Note: this was a very random tangent, so sorry for being all over the place and not laying this out clearer.
At 9:35 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
"I take no stock in religion.. By the very word religion I have seen the lunacy of every denomination be called the will of God. What God wants is here (your mind), and here (your heart)" - The Hospitaler from Kingdom of Heaven.
I totlly agree with you Aleah, and believe myself that religion is nothing but a set of rules and restrictions that men use to say they are more right or holy than others. Christianity is supposed to be all about faith, and a relationship between us and Christ. In regards to the Catholic church, keep in mind that they do all those little rituals to keep themselves as one and unified - like the Muslims - and look at how the world pays attention to them. When those cartoons were published, the entire world of Islam stood up in defiance of what they called an insult, and the world listened. How much more would the world listen to us if we stood as one in Christ, instead of bickering over small disagreements in theology etc.? Do I agree with the Catholic church and most of it's practices? No, I do not, but I'm just saying that we can learn from how they stand together as one church.
At 1:35 p.m.,
Aleah said…
Yes, but what are there motivations for standing together sometimes? Is it power, or is it the will of God? Is it the fact of self preservation, or for helping others?
At 3:49 p.m.,
Jamie A. Grant said…
I have some friends from Glad Tidings whose parents recently decided to leave their more mainstream style church to join a Greek Orthodox church. It's highly ritualistic and whatnot but my friend says that if you ask them about their decision in detail, you come away with a new appreciation for these "religious" structures.
As for me personally, my mom's family has a strong history of Catholicism. Even though I'm aware of some of the weird bits of theology, I still appreciate the Catholic church quite a bit.
In the end, though, I find that a lot of people these days are sick of either too much "religion" or "politics" in the church. I've heard these types of rants increasingly over recent years so your sentiments are definitely echoed by others.
At 12:24 a.m.,
Battle said…
I mostly agree with you Aleah and totally agree with your sentament. I just think your passion needs a little more refinement.
Religion: Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship. The life or condition of a person in a religious order. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.
I don't see much of a problem with that. So I probibly wouldn't say I hate all of religion just the points you thouched on.
james 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
At 1:13 p.m.,
Aleah said…
Okay, yeah. I think I did come off a little strong and bitter on this, and my apologies. I don't mean to generalize and stereotype, but I do feel very strongly that there is serious issues with "religion". I guess my definition of religion is when people use it as a ritual, something they feel they have to do, and that there is no relational foundation. THAT, I think, is what I have a problem with.
Like I said, I believe fully in the church and what Paul talked about in his letters. It's just the focus that too often gets distorted.
At 2:01 a.m.,
Schrutespace619 said…
Dude! Dude! Someone who actually has the same mindset as me! I cant believe it! I totally take the whole philosophy of the Hospitalier knight from KoH. Holiness to me is in your actions alone. It is those actions that make you good or bad in the end.
I come from a town that make religion and republicanism into a symbiotic relationship and its so frustrating to be judged by them just because "God doesn't talk to me."
I adamantly agree with you two reasons: Justification and control. Thats all it is. I personally believe that religion is one thing that causes most wars and other violent acts in the world. If people can just set aside their biased beliefs and look at other people then maybe we can finally understand.
The Crusades were a perfect example of how false and corrupted and hypocritical religion can be. Killing people in the name of God is a scapegoat if i ever heard one. One of th smartest thing you could do was to say "because God said so." Sometimes I get sad because the people who call themselves Christians tell me im going to hell because i dont belong to a church. They pray for me that ill get through my life as best i can because i havent felt God's love. My Muslim friends dont judge me as such...so why do Christians? Well maybe i dont need it. Have you ever thought that maybe you are weak that you need a spiritual being to tell you what to do in life? Maybe thats the difference between them and me. I see the world for what it is, not the Disney Land place that religions make it out to be
Does anyone believe whta i do? Im not atheist im agnostic...its just hard for me sometimes...
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