Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Friday, November 18, 2005

Jokes are funny when you're the instigator

hahahaha oh man. In astronomy today, the guy beside me was kind of bored and he had a remote for his laptop. So, being the genius that he is, he was trying to shut off this girl's laptop two rows in front of us but her body/arm was blocking the sensor on her laptop. So after like 10 minutes, she finally leaned back and stretched in her chair and he took the opportunity, pointed, pressed, and zap! There goes her laptop's power! Oh wow, it was hilarious! The look on her face, the expressions of the people around her, it was all too perfect! The four of us (sitting in the back row) were trying so hard not to laugh out loud. It was one of those turn around and smother your face in your arm kind of laughs. The girl beside me though, she didn't find it very funny. Come on! Lighten up.....it's funny! The only reason it was so side-splitting was because the girl wasn't typing out notes or anything. She was just using the internet to look at the professor's notes online. If it had of been someone actually typing out notes, then I would feel really bad. But since it wasn't, it's hilarious! Oh, and as a warning, I was talking to the guy and he said that he walks through the library and shuts off peoples laptops.......so those of you with one, protect your sensors.

I found a telescope in my basement today! That's exciting considering I'm in astronomy. My brother left it behind when he moved out and so now it's miiiiiiine!!! Muahahaha. But, with this snow and all, it makes it quite difficult to see the stars. Speaking of snow.....I love it! It's so fluffy and seasony. Anyways, I believe that is all for today. I left for dinner and now I lost my train of thought, so I shall end this! Good day.

Oh, I almost forgot! My parking attendant is leaving!! :( Man, no more free parking for me. This sucks. He would always give me free parking, but now he's moving to another parking lot, and alas, I am left to pay the fees. You will be missed. (hehehehe)


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