Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Monday, October 17, 2005

Quit hammering nails in my head!

Muahaha that is me playing Nothing Else Matters by Metallica....good song.

So anyways, ever since Monday I have had this horrible headache, hence the title of this blog. They weren't even migraine headaches, just horrible pressure where you feel like your head is going to explode. Yeah, fun stuff, eh. No, not really. Everyone kept telling me I had a brain tumour....it's good to have friends....*note sarcasm. So I went to the doctor yesterday and she got me to do all these funny things like jump and down and touch my nose with my eyes closed and stuff. I think she was checking for vertigo. So now I'm on sweet medication! Yah!!

I don't really have much to say these days. School is ridiculously busy, but I still love it. I find it hard to balance school, work, socializing and sleep. Oh right, the doctor also told me to take naps during the day....hahaha I don't have time for that! Who's she kidding. So yeah, I find second year is a HUGE change from first. I feel like I have more time, but then again, like I have eight times as much work.

I've decided I don't like my Minority Groups class. The text book is horrible. I find it's hard to understand what they are talking about because I think they just used about the biggest words they could find to describe things and I'm not very good at English in the first place, so that's a challenge. Also, they just ramble on about crap that I really don't care about. Like, "we can't look at racism on the surface, we have to dig deeper and find out how it is constructed, and then once we figure that out, we must learn when this occured, and then why it happens and how it links to everything else in the world..." Okay, so that's not what they actually said, but it might as well be. This is what I hate about University, you can spend all your time learning about issues in the world, but no time trying to fix it. Yes, I understand you have to know the root of the problem to fix it, but really, do we care about a million different theories that some dead people constructed that never worked? Not really. So what's the point of learning about it? Bah, whatever.

Before I end this, here's some good Christian music I've discovered:
- Spoken - they just released a new CD
- P.O.D. - yes I know they're not new, but I never really listened to them before
- Blindside - I've listened to them for awhile and they're still good
- Falling Up - I just got into them
- Kutless worship CD - is good
- 12 Stones - are alright, not as heavy as I like sometimes though
- Skillet - I don't own their stuff right now, but I listened to them at a friend's and they're good


  • At 6:19 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hold up. I thought you were trying to clean up your music selection to be more Christian. But you're playing Metallica on the guitar?

  • At 6:26 p.m., Blogger Aleah said…

    Shut up! It's a good musical arrangement!

    And I never said I was perfect!

  • At 12:28 p.m., Blogger Jonathan said…


    You like heavy music

    Check out - Haste the Day -

  • At 1:22 p.m., Blogger Aleah said…

    K, thanks!

  • At 11:08 p.m., Blogger Battle said…

    Good for you! Stand by your moral convictions!


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