Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Crazy Socialists

Well alrighty.

I thought I knew extreme, but I was wrong. I'm taking three different social classes (social work, sociology and social justice and peace studies, which is the program I'm in). There are some pretty freaky people in there, let me tell you. You know, it's all cool if you're for equality and saving the environment and all that fun stuff, but you know, I do believe there is a limit between caring and insanity. Maybe it's just me and the fact that I care, but not as much as some, I don't know. But me and this guy Jeff are sitting in my SJP class (figure it out) and this guy named Curtis comes and sits beside us. He's notorious in our class for being crazy extreme when it comes to the world's problems. So, he sits down and is just all quiet and everything (sorry if you've already heard this story) and then he starts talking to Jeff and I. He holds up a pencil and says, "Do I really own this pencil?" Jeff and I look at each confusedly and both respond, "Yes." Curtis continues on, "How do you know?" "You're holding it aren't you? It's yours." "Yeah, but it may be in my possession right now, but do I really own it fully?" By this point, Jeff and I were getting really creeped out by the fact that he would even ask such a question. So Curtis continues on, "Well the pencil came from the tree's wood and the sunlight made the tree grow, blah blah blah." And he goes on this whole spiel about who knows what. I stopped listening. Then he asks, "So do I own this pencil." To make him happy, we both answer "No." Who really cares? It's a pencil. You own it because you bought it and that's that. Trees don't have a say in what there wood gets used for and the sunlight has to make the stupid trees grow and then the humans come and chop down the trees. Therefore, you own the friggin' pencil.

People like that make me really annoyed. I mean, who has time to think of these things? They're so insignificant. Sure, he's thinking about the whole balance of life and yadda yadda, but really. You want to solve some problems? Go solve world hunger. Quit worrying about whether or not you really "own" the pencil or not. It was just really weird, that's all. Other than that kid, I like my lectures. Yes, I can see how they are extreme, and how I could turn into a communist, as some have put it. But I really don't see myself becoming one. :P Anyways, I have to go to my fun and exciting tutorial (sarcasm intended). Have a good night!


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