Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I got nothin'

Sorry guys, I never seem to have anything "important" to talk about. No world problems, no opinions, nothing. All I have is what I've done this week. So if you're interested to know, read the following.

Well, let's see, Monday and Tuesday (as some of you know from my MSN name) were the worst two days of my life. Why, you ask? I'm not quite sure. You know when you wake up in a bad mood and it just completely ruins your whole day? Yeah, well, there you go. So Monday, for the first time in awhile, I didn't have a ride to my "morning" (meaning the earliest class I have) class, so I had to take the good ol' city transportation. Sarcasm is intended. So I, thinking that whenever I go to catch the bus it's 10 minutes late, decide to leave 5 minutes later than normal as to refrain from standing outside in the freezing cold for 15 minutes. Well, to my great fortune, the bus just happens to be 7 minutes early this time. Whoohoo for me, misses the bus by 2 minutes and I end up waiting outside for 35 minutes on the cold, hard, sidewalk. I, to my surprise, wasn't angry, but rather upset. It was one of those things where I didn't feel mad, I just felt like crying and going back home. I figured my day couldn't get worse (never think that), when this girl who talked to me on the street corner once for two seconds, decides to strike up a conversation with me EVEN THOUGH I'm sitting on the side of the road, my back to her, and my discman playing! Generally, I'm a nice person and don't mind talking to people, but this just made me really mad. Don't talk to people listening to music unless you actually know their name! Sorry.

Anyways, my day continues on and class was pretty crappy, but then I was okay once I got to the library and started studying for my first University mid-term (which is tomorrow by the way). Well, I go to my next class, which is geography, and it's going pretty well, until I find out that my exam is scheduled for the 20th of December. That's horrible. There's some ray of hope though, because my professor said that last year that happened and it ended up being switched to one of the first exam days. I pray that happens. So, to end my day, I ended up yelling at my family because I had a bad day and they decided to be loving and speak to me. Yeah, I felt bad, but they understood. Good ol' family.

Tuesday, I can't remember why it was bad, but it was. Oh right. I didn't feel very well or something like that. Hahaha though class was kind of funny. Juliet, being the freak that she is (love you!) decides that it's too cold in the room and "she's paying tuition to freeze, I don't think so" sort of thing. So she goes and cranks up the heating and by the end of the class is was SO hot in the room. Quite funny! And our professor flipped at some people who were talking, that's always entertaining to watch.

Today was actually a good day. I went to work, we only had 7 kids the entire time, yet the time passed by really quickly, which is unusual. I went to class and it was short and sweet and I actually was able to catch my bus on main and get home early. So yeah, that was good. Yes, this is really boring, but I have nothing else to say! My grandma's wedding is on Saturday, so that's exciting.....I'm definitely not going to explain that one, because, well, you'll all think my family's crazy, if you don't already that is.

Have a good night all!


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