Famous Last Words

"Take my worlds apart"

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Crazy Sports

Firstly, did they change the blogger post thingy? 'Cause mine is different. Pretty sweet!
Anyways, I was just watching part of the Calgary Stampede tonight and it got me thinking.  What kind of morons come up with these sports?  I mean, really! Specifically, I saw the bull riding thing they were doing and man, they are all crazy! Yeah, sure, it takes talent and all, but who came up with this?  The whole idea of the sport is for the person to stay on the aggravated bull the longest.  The thing is, the bull isn't even all that angry to begin with.  The people actually make it angry themselves so that the bull will buck even harder and they will be more challenged.  You want to know how they anger the bull?  Well, I didn't really, but I found out.  They tie a rope to the bull's *ahem* (if you don't know what the *ahem* means, then go visit Jevant's blog about the Darwin awards and see).  The bull is all caged up in an immovable position.  Then, as the gates are being opened, a man standing beside the bull and its rider, yanks up on the rope that is still attached to the bull's "special area" and then releases the bull.  No wonder the bull is so flippin' angry!  Like really, who came up with this sport? WHY?!! 
Also, who would want to take part in it?  That was my life long dream as a child. I said, "I want to ride on 2000 lbs bulls, that are angry to no end and hopefully stay on long enough to beat my opponents and then when it's finally time to get off, avoid a concussion, a goring or being stepped on.  Yup, that sure was a dream of mine!  Idiots.
Another stupid sport involving bulls: the running of the bulls.  Alright, what does this prove besides pure insanity and stupidity?  Yes, I'm going to run down narrow streets while giant bulls are running after me and maybe, just maybe, I'll outrun all of them and not get killed or seriously maimed.  Hmm...seems logical, no?  Oh boy, people really do have too much time on their hands if they think engaging in near death experiences (and sometimes not so near) is a career.  Crazy, crazy.
So that's my rant on bulls and stupid people.


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